Alexis Michalik at the 100 Names Theater in Nantes

9:10 am The guest: Alexis Michalik, director and playwright.

Nearly 3,000 performances in 12 different countries, two Molières in 2014 for the first of 5 creations by director Alexis Michalik, Le Porteur d’histoire. It is a play that will be taking place at the Théâtre 100 Names in Nantes until March 2022. Dates, times and reservations here.

A thrilling literary treasure hunt worthy of the greatest current series

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I picked up a book, automatically.
I opened it in the middle.
It wasn’t a book, it was a handwritten notebook.
And there, I made history …

On a rainy night, deep in the Ardennes, Martin Martin has to bury his father. He is therefore far from imagining that the discovery of a handwritten notebook will lead him on a quest through History and continents.

Fifteen years later, in the heart of the Algerian desert, a mother and her daughter mysteriously disappear …

Alexis Michalik also signed four other successes for which he ultimately received nine Molières and excited nearly three million spectators: Edmond, A love story, The circle of illusionists, Intramuros.

His last show A love story will be played at La Fleuriaye in Carquefou on February 2 and 3.

9:15 am Jean-Jacques Lester’s favorite : Ouistreham, Emmanuel Carrère’s film with Juliette Binoche.

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9:25 am Three minutes, a museum, a work, and behind the object a story to discover, that of a famous photograph of the workers of the LU factory. A story told by Anne Bouillé, head of the Conservation department at the Nantes History Museum at the Château des ducs de Bretagne.

The workers of the LU-1907 Factory / Nantes History Museum

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