Sciences Po Paris is at the heart of a controversy after a pro-Palestinian mobilization within the establishment on March 12.
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Alexis Corbière is not against the creation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into anti-Semitism in universities, demanded by the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif). “Why not”reacts Tuesday March 19 on franceinfo the deputy La France insoumise (LFI). “Of course [qu’il en faut une]that there be investigations that are carried out, that we can discuss this rationally”he adds. “Anti-Semitism must be vigorously combated”he emphasizes.
Crif’s request comes after the controversy at Sciences Po Paris. The higher education establishment is accused of allowing anti-Semitism to flourish against a backdrop of pro-Gaza student mobilization. “As we speak, we cannot yet stabilize what happened”, recalls the elected official from Seine-Saint-Denis. To shed light on the facts, an administrative investigation is underway. The occupation of an amphitheater by around 300 pro-Palestinian activists resulted in accusations of anti-Semitism from the Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF). “The student concerned said herself that she was able to enter the amphitheater and that she did not hear any anti-Semitic remarks”, points out Alexis Corbière. These comments were reported to the latter and are contested by the Palestine committee of Sciences Po Paris.
“Under these conditions, let there be an investigation [administrative]that’s fine with me, because anyone who says an anti-Semitic word must be punished.”, says the MP. On the other hand, “when, on the basis of things not completely stabilized, Gabriel Attal arrives at Sciences-Po, there is a problem”, he points out. The Prime Minister went before the board of directors of the establishment to announce the referral to justice by the government following these accusations.