Alexis Corbière and Raquel Garrido: Heavy accusations about an undocumented employee, they reply

Has a well-hidden secret just been revealed? According Point, the two deputies LFI Alexis Corbière and Raquel Garrido, who have just been re-elected in their constituencies of Seine Saint-Denis could have employed a young Algerian woman of 36 years to do their housework while she is undocumented. Worse, they would only give her a pittance and threaten to fire her if she asked for more.

This one, arrived in France in 2008 thanks to a student visa, would have swung everything last month when she had just been arrested by the police for an identity check. According to the newspaper, she would have text messages in her mobile from the deputy who would even be rather threatening: “We put a roof over your head, we make you work so either you’re grateful or I’m taking someone else now stop“, she reportedly wrote.

An employee who allegedly complained to her friends about being treated “like a slave“because of his situation and who would have been offered papers if”Jean-Luc Mélenchon is elected president or prime minister“. Not long ago, she even wrote to her friends: “Until 19 [juin, date du second tour des législatives, NDLR]she needs me and if it doesn’t suit me, she sends me back to my country“.

Facts that are totally false according to Raquel Garrido, interviewed by the newspaper. Totally refuting these accusations, the 48-year-old MP replied rather curtly that “it’s been years since [le couple n’a] no household help“.”Help was recruited during election campaigns. Each time with people with papers, and of course with the related Urssaf declarations“, she explained.

For the moment, no investigation by the prosecution has been opened. The two deputies were re-elected rather largely in their constituencies last Sunday, Alexis Corbière even being guaranteed to return to the National Assembly in the first round. Married since 2000, they have three daughters together whom they never exhibit with them and whom they fiercely protect from any media coverage.

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