Alexandre (Love is in the meadow) separated from Mathieu: his life changed forever, terrible announcements

Big blow for Alexander Tola. This Thursday, October 20, 2022, the former suitor of Love is in the meadow 2020 (M6) took the floor to announce terrible news about his health to his Instagram community.

When he came to seduce Mathieu in the program presented by Karine Le Marchand, Alexandre was a professional rider. A job that he had finally put aside following an accident in 2020. But recently, he was living again from his passion and without the farmer from whom he separated. Unfortunately, the charming brunette once again had to deal with a very bad fall. On October 1, he appeared on Instagram with his arm in a sling. “My arm hurts badly. I can’t tell you more at the moment because I don’t know“, he confided. No news since, his subscribers have therefore asked him questions about his condition over the days.

But it took until Thursday for an answer. “Three weeks ago, I fell on horseback, but before that i started having pain in my left shoulder and arm. After two scans of the arm, and an X-ray done in Normandy, we found nothing, immense pain, electricity, fire, aches in the left arm and shoulder“, wrote Alexandre at first. He then explained that last week, he had gone to Paris in order to pass an MRI And the terrible verdict fell. “Crush of the spinal cord, and C5, C6, C7, plus a fracture of a vertebra. I am therefore forced to stop my job and go to have spinal cord surgery.. Long week, very long for me, to digest the news, now what I have to do, and to find the best neurosurgeon to have my operation, and that everything goes well“, he concluded his message.

Alexandre also spoke on video, his voice trembling. He clarified that it was a “heavy operation, which can be double-edged“In the meantime, he is forced to wear a neck brace and avoids anything that could aggravate his case.”It’s very disabling and morally, it’s quite heavy. It’s a bit like the sky falling on my head. I’m not hiding from you that I’m a little scared“, he said. He then promised to keep his fans informed.

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