Alexandre (Love is in the meadow) “already in love”: big crush and tears

The speed-dating continued this Monday, August 29 in the new episode of Love is in the meadow. After discovering those of Sébastien, Jean or even Noémie, viewers followed those of Thierry and Alexander.

He has been single for a year and a half. His separation came three months after the sudden death of his mother. His friends signed him up. And they did well. The 36-year-old dairy and grain farmer in Normandy has indeed received a lot of letters and finally decided to meet seven suitors.

Among them was in particular Annaig, a 27-year-old Breton girl who works as an educator in a home for teenagers. His letter had upset Alexandre and many common points were already emerging. The pretty blonde then registered from the start as one of her favorites. She was the first to open the ball for accelerated meetings and, after only a few minutes, the farmer was under the spell. Not only was the conversation fluid, but he also learned that Annaïg was familiar with the agricultural environment and dreamed of settling in the countryside. The evidence that she represented when reading her mail was then confirmed. “It’s someone who suits me. we will see the rest but I think there is a good chance that it will come“, he confided. For Karine Le Marchand who observes everything on her side, Alexandre even seems to be already “lover“.

But the day was far from over and Alexandre then continued the meetings with the rest of his contenders. Another stood out, namely Laura. Normande as the candidate, she is 32 years old. Together, they immediately succeeded in projecting themselves into the future. If Laura admitted that she had no knowledge of agriculture at all, she assured that she was not afraid to get her hands dirty. Alexandre could already see himself there! As she left, confused and upset, Laura ended up in tears.

It was therefore only natural that Alexandre decided to invite Annaïg and Laura to the farm.

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