“Alexandre lied”: Laura (Love is in the meadow) reassembled, she swings on the farmer

She was one of Alexander’s suitors, in Love is in the meadow 2022 (M6). But her stay did not go as she had hoped, due to a lack of understanding between the farmer and her. Following his departure, the 36-year-old dairy and grain farmer in Normandy granted an interview to Entertainment TV. And his words did not please the rival of Anaïg.

During the speed-dating, Alexandre fell in love with Laura and therefore invited her to spend a few days at his house. But the sensitivity of the young woman has changed everything. While they were on horseback, the contender began to cry with joy, a situation that the candidate did not understand. During an interview for our colleagues, he returned to the stage and clarified that the management assistant had “reproached for not getting off his horse, but he was afraid that he would run away. However, this criticism would never have been issued.

On October 5, Laura organized a live that was not planned after discovering these remarks. If she recalled that she was kind and benevolent, she saw that this did not prevent her from having character. So she didn’t intend to let it go. “One thing I can’t stand is lying. I hate this. It happens to everyone to lie about little things, but I hate lying to give a good image. It annoys me“, she was, first of all indignant. Then, she assured that”Alexander lied“.

I wish he would stop telling lies

It’s very nice of him to say that he doesn’t mean anything bad about me and respects me. To respect me, I wish he would stop telling lies. JI never asked him to get off his horse, much less reproached him. I go horseback riding, I know very well that you can’t get off your horse, except if there’s something serious, especially when you’re not used to it. So I wouldn’t have asked him that. It is not at all coherent what he says. When I saw that, both I wanted to laugh, and at the same time I wondered what he was doing“, she continued. Laura then regretted that Alexandre had still not understood that she was crying with joy during this outing, when she had given him explanations many times. “I don’t understand why he’s saying all this bullshit. I think it’s because he wants to give himself another reason for my departure and not assume mine.. I repeat, the biggest reason for my departure is the lack of understanding between us“, she launched.

Despite everything, Laura will keep in mind the good memories. But that could change if Alexander doesn’t stop”to tell anything“. While waiting to find out, she invited her community to meet her next week to talk about her departure. She thus promised “full of surprises“.

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