Alexandre (Les 12 Coups de midi) eliminated: he reveals how much money he will really get

He will have impressed more than one but the competition finally ended for alexander. This Tuesday, June 14, 2022, the Noon Master of 12 noon shots (TF1) was eliminated from the game, after 19 participations. The 35-year-old nurse nevertheless finished his race brilliantly since he pocketed more than 77,047 euros in gifts and winnings. Contacted by Entertainment TV, he brought some details about it. “I won 38,050 euros in cash and 39,997 euros in gifts (in value, editor’s note) with the star“, he specified. A Mysterious Star that he can also boast of having discovered after having made a “shocking” mistake along the way.

For our colleagues, Alexandre also shared his rather mixed feelings about his elimination. “I was relieved, because nervously, it was getting hard. But after, I was disappointed, because then, I had the five responses to the Masterstroke. I’m leaving, when I could have succeeded. The pill might have been easier to swallow if the questions had been tough. I probably could have done better“, did he declare.

I learned that I was no good for nothing

Alexandre would have liked to go further in the show, in particular to represent HPI people (high intellectual potential) like him who are often judged. “It wasn’t about the money, but just to show what we HPI people are capable of.“, he confided. Nevertheless, the candidate is already very satisfied with the progress made and especially with his pretty kitty. “I don’t spit on it, of course, I’m happy with what I won. It will allow me to change my life“, rejoices the one who dreams of becoming a sports journalist.

But above all, Alexandre leaves with a new and beautiful image of himself, after years of being criticized. “I learned that I could be proud of myself. That I was no good for nothingdespite being told that all my life, especially when I was little“, he explained. Despite his defeat, viewers a priori have not finished seeing Alexandre. And for good reason, he should participate in the next Fight of the Masters with other big winners of the game. “Jean-Luc Reichmann invited me“, he announced.

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