Alexandre Leduc confirms that he remains with Québec solidaire in a letter

(Quebec) Quebec Solidaire MP Alexandre Leduc intends to stay within the party, saying he is convinced that the formation can become a government party without distorting itself.

In an open letter published Thursday morning, Mr. Leduc confirms his desire to continue the work started at Québec solidaire (QS), but he affirms that it will be necessary to better define the priorities that the party wants to put forward in the short term. term.

The posture that QS must take has been debated since the surprise resignation of its co-spokesperson Émilise Lessard-Therrien at the end of April.

The party’s other spokesperson, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, argued that the party must initiate a pragmatic shift to become a “government party”, which has earned it criticism from certain activists, who believe that following this path would go against the deep values ​​of QS.

Taking a position in this debate, Mr. Leduc assures that it is possible for QS to become a government party without distorting itself. “I am deeply convinced of this,” he wrote in his letter.

He concedes, however, that the party will have to better put forward the priorities it wants to tackle immediately.

During a tour of the regions, he noted that several people had mentioned to him that QS has good ideas, but that the party is spreading itself too thin.

“A mandate only lasts four years, we won’t have time to change everything. It’s just impossible. What reforms should be implemented as a priority? What are the problems that need to be resolved urgently? » he raises.

On the eve of the start of the party’s National Council, which will begin Friday in Saguenay, Mr. Leduc therefore calls on party activists to look into this issue.

“We never really did this exercise. Let’s do it together. Let’s demonstrate to Quebec that we are dreamers, yes, but that we know which dreams we are going to implement first,” he said.

The modernization of the QS program with a view to the next elections is also one of the two main axes on the menu of the National Council of the party, with the adoption of a political declaration following the tour of the regions.

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