Alexandre Benalla and his wife taken into police custody on suspicion of “corruption”

The investigation concerns contracts signed by Alexandre Benalla with Russian oligarchs in particular to ensure their protection.

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Alexandre Benalla and his wife were taken into police custody in the premises of the judicial police in Paris at the economic crime repression brigade, since 6 am, Tuesday, December 14 morning, Franceinfo learned from a source close to the case.

This custody takes place as part of an investigation into contracts made by the former bodyguard of Emmanuel Macron, with Russian oligarchs in particular to ensure their protection.

Alexandre Benalla is in particular suspected of “corruption”, “influence peddling”, “forgery and use of forgery”, “abuse of corporate assets”, “laundering of tax fraud” or even “violation of the internal security code”, according to a report. source close to the file contacted by franceinfo, confirming information from LCI.

A month ago, the Paris tribunal de grande instance condemned Alexandre benalla to three years in prison, one of which is closed, a fine of 500 euros and a five-year ban on practicing in the public service, in particular for “willful violence in a meeting”, “carrying a weapon prohibited” and “use of diplomatic passports” in the case of the violence of May 1, 2018.

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