Alexandra Rosenfeld, Camille Kouchner and… Alexandre Benalla: surprising audience of VIPs at the Book Festival

This year, the Paris Book Festival organized at the ephemeral Grand Palais was the site of many encounters, each one more astonishing than the next. After having been the scene of a sudden complicity between Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Edouard Philippe, this festival also brought together many personalities with very different backgrounds. Invited to promote her book My well-being method, Alexandra Rosenfeld – who spoke of the minçophobia of which she was a victim for a long time on the set of the show We are live – notably met Chris Marques but also Alexandre Benalla.

Three years after the release of his book What they don’t want me to saypublished by Plon, the former Elysée official who was prosecuted for “violence in meetings” and “interference in the police function” then sentenced to three years in prison, one of which is firm (penalty that can be carried out at home, on an electronic bracelet) was spotted getting a new book for his personal library: Back to the war by Francois Heisbourg.

Not far from him, Anne Sinclair dedicated her memoirs Perfect tense. On the Grasset site, she explains: “Here I am in my turn trapped in this paradox: to write like everyone else, hoping to interest everyone in a life that would not be that of everyone. You have to accept your contradictions and not be afraid to disavow yourself. It is said… “A great writer, Amélie Nothomb was present to defend her works as ThirstAnne Goscinny unveiled her book The World of Lucretius, illustrated by Catel, in which she recounts the tender and wacky childhood of Lucrezia. During this festival, Camille Kouchner came with her much publicized book, The Grand Familywhere she accuses her stepfather Olivier Duhamel of incest.

Among the crowd, Jacques Attali was also seen with a surprising new book called Looking forward to the day after tomorrow!. The former state councilor was able to meet Christophe Barbier who came for the occasion with his wife Pauline.

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