“That’s it !”, exclaimed Alexandra Lamy this Friday, March 10, 2023 on her Instagram account. In full promotion of the latest film by Lisa Azuelos, The room of wonders, in which she replies to Muriel Robin, the 51-year-old actress announced great news to her 697,000 subscribers. After the application of the Meta group, the actress finally launches on… TikTok. “Hi, it’s Alexandra Lamy, that’s it, I’m on TikTok”, she explained in story before discussing the reasons that led him to take the plunge. “I really want to have fun with you on TikTok. On Wednesday, March 15, The Chamber of Wonders comes out and I want to share with you lots of content, lots of surprises. Finally, to have fun. That’s it. I hope to see you very soon. Kisses”.
Present on the platform for only a few days, the ex of Jean Dujardin already has more than 166,000 followers. Delighted to see her arrive on the social network, many internet users welcomed her. “Welcome Madam”, “Too good”, “The base, you are welcome. It’s better than reality stars”, “Welcome to you on TikTok, I really like the movies you’re in”, ” Welcome Alex, it’s good she redid my evening, the bump”, “Always so beautiful, We look forward to seeing you”, could we read in the comments.
See also:
Alexandra Lamy proud to share the poster with Muriel Robin
In addition to TikTok, Alexandra Lamy also connects interviews to promote Lisa Azuelos’ latest project. Guest on the set of It’s up to you for the release of her new film, the actress made a nice statement to her stage partner. “Muriel Robin for me is the master of comedy”she said before telling a crazy anecdote. “With my sister we practiced on her sketches”. And to continue: “Just because she is strong in comedy I knew she would be extraordinary in drama”. Touching confidences.