Alexandra Lamy reveals her lower back in a tight dress… the Instagram photo that sets fire

Usually rather discreet, Alexandra Lamy has decided to let go on social networks for a few weeks. Radiant at the dawn of her 51st birthday, the actress is very fulfilled in her professional life… and would have found love again! Could it be with her new darling that the actress spent her vacation in Colombia?

On Instagram, Chloé Jouannet’s mother shared behind the scenes of this stay in the sun… during which she did not hesitate to reveal herself in a sexy way. A few days ago, she indeed surprised her subscribers by posing in undress. “Back to the hotel in sexitude mode”, she laughed in the caption of the cliché which made the buzz.

Alexandra Lamy poses in a sexy dress
Like many French people, the ex-girlfriend of Jean Dujardin had to leave his vacation spot to return to his home in order to prepare for the start of the school year. “Goodbye Colombia, wonderful trip” she wrote this time in the caption of a new photo where she poses revealing her bare back and her perfect fall of the kidneys… while she is molded in a pretty little dress of ‘summer.

Something to delight her subscribers who hastened to compliment her: “Too beautiful”, “Beauty”, “So beautiful”, “The Colombians are lucky, one of the most beautiful women who hangs out in a dress in their streets…” , “Superb”, “You are sublime”, Oh Wow, lovely”, “Sublime Alexandra” can we for example read.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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