Alexandra Lamy: Her resemblance to her mother strikes internet users!

Tender tribute from Alexandra Lamy to her mom this weekend for Mother’s Day! The actress honored the one who gave birth to her by sharing a magnificent shot of the two women under the sun. A sacred mother who nevertheless gave birth to not one but two actresses who have shared the front of the stage for many years on TV and in the cinema.

Behind great men or great women, there is always a person in the shadows, they say. The dear mother of Alexandra Lamy would be part of this vein, she, who nevertheless raised and educated Alexandra and Audrey. On the occasion of Mother’s Day, it was the first who made a dedication to her mother by devoting a few words to her on Instagram. “Happy birthday my mom, happy birthday to all the moms” had commented on the one who revealed herself alongside Jean Dujardin in A boy a girl in a photo of the two women in sunglasses relaxing on a green terrace. Et the least we can say is that the mother Lamy did not leave the Internet users unmoved since the latter quickly pointed out their striking resemblance, as well as that with her other daughter, Audrey. Indeed, the same blondness and the same look put the flea in the ear of the followers who went there with a good heart. “Audrey looks like her mom“, “She’s not your mom, she’s your sister! What a resemblance to Audrey!!” or “your amazing little sister lookalike” could we read.

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