Alexandra Lamy fulfilled and liberated, the actress lets go and makes crisp revelations about her first time!

In recent years, Alexandra Lamy has continued to amaze her admirers with her countless projects. Outstanding actress, the star has more than one string to her bow. From now on, it is in the realization that the actress flourishes. Through her first TV movie called “Touchées”, she highlights the daily life of three women victims of sexual violence. In this work, Claudia Tagbo, Mélanie Doutey and her daughter Chloé Jouannet are honored. Next February 23 on RTL TVIthe public will FINALLY be able to discover his film.

To promote it, Alexandra Lamy gave – this Thursday, February 17 – an exclusive interview to the magazine Cine Télé Revue. The opportunity for her to engage in sexuality and feminism. According to him, talking about his intimate life with his loved ones has never been “taboo”… Quite the contrary!

“I got my daughter drunk on the subject of consent […]”I told my parents about my first time. I was 16 and a half,” underlined the artist while explaining the scene. “7:30 a.m., I go down to the kitchen, my father makes toast and I say to him: “Dad, I made my first time, it did not go well”, clarified the big sister of Audrey Lamy by affirming that her parent had “already want to kick your ass” to the principal concerned.

After their exchange, Alexandra Lamy confided in her mother for a long time on the subject. “I go to my mother in the bathroom and she tells me about the pill. We enter a technical thing and there, I see, in the door frame, my father who listens to the conversation”, confessed the ex-wife of Jean Dujardin who assures that he would have asked her if she had “does foreplay”.We started talking about sexuality in a way that I would never have imagined”. Thanks to his advice, the director understood “that we had to pay attention to each other and that it was important that women have as much enjoyment as men”. It is said !


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