Alexandra Lamy blacklisted and ousted from the 20th anniversary bonus of “A guy, a girl”? She finally speaks

Back to the past from October 20 on Netflix. Indeed, the streaming platform will add the entire series to its catalog. A boy a girl, which allowed Jean Dujardin and Alexandra Lamy to become known to the general public. An addition that is not trivial because the series will celebrate its 20th anniversary and for this reason, TF1 has decided to organize a special bonus.

“In past seasons, we did a few bonuses in this vein of nostalgia around big events that we were able to watch on television when we were children or teenagers. Un gar, une fille is the French shortcom in essence. Watching it again, we thought it was a catalog to revisit. I think it’s going to be very tasty to see the best sketches reinterpreted by talents from the old and the new generation – we’re going to mix it up a bit everybody”explained Xavier Gandon, the director of the antennas of TF1to our colleagues from 20 minutes.

Not hurt though

However, for this special bonus, an absence of mark is to be noted. Because the main actress of the program, Alexandra Lamy, will not be there. Quite simply because she was not invited by TF1 to participate. A reason that she totally ignores but that it does not seem to bother her, quite the contrary, as she let our colleagues know. Puremedia last September.

“I learned it like that. I won’t take part in it but I think it’s great”she confided at first before adding: “When you’re part of a cult series, you’re not going to spit on it. It’s great to be able to say to yourself: ‘Yes, I did that’. Maybe one day, Alexandra Lamy will be associated with the cult series name.” But before the special bonus sees the light of day, TF1 can still reconsider its decision.

See also: For the first time, Alexandra Lamy reveals herself in fine lingerie on Instagram and displays a magnificent silhouette!


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