Alexandra (Koh-Lanta): After 100,000 euros, she quits her job! Explanations …

Alexandra marked the history of Koh Lanta. In 2020, she emerged as the winner of the edition of 4 Lands. Then in 2021, she participated in the All Stars season celebrating the 20 years of the game of survival and baptized Koh-Lanta, The Legend. Eliminated, it will not be a double winner. Corn the check for 100,000 euros promised to the last survivor, she touched him during his first participation. A sum and above all an adventure that completely changed her life, as she tells it to our colleagues from TV Mag.

Alexandra 7 – 5 Brice. The adventurers of the final jury have voted! On the 100,000 euros won, the young woman “put a lot of money aside for [ses] two daughters “Fafali and Lana.”Then, I gave part of it for the Bertrand-Kamal association [qui vient en aide à la recherche contre le cancer du pancréas, NDLR]. And we had fun, as a family, going on vacation last summer“, she continues. Alexandra introduces herself as”someone very reasonable“, far from having the madness of grandeur:”I know what it’s like to have a hard time so I’m careful.

No big purchase for the beauty. However, she made a big change in her life, especially professionally. “I quit my job as an accountant, she announces. I am in retraining to become a maternal assistant.“A 180 degree turn for this young mother! After her victory in Koh-Lanta, The 4 Lands, here she is, all pro level! While waiting to support young children in their development, Alexandra lives on her new reputation. “On Instagram, I do some paid partnerships which also help me to express myself better. It allows me both to earn some money and to continue to open up to others“, she confides.

It is also thanks to the adventure that she manages to express herself so well, in front of thousands of Internet users behind her screen, but not only. “I do more things and I am much more social than before. I integrate better, I feel more go-getter and courageous. I have the feeling that I have more facilities to express myself, she assures. With the interviews during the shooting and those that we do afterwards during the broadcast with the journalists, I made a lot of progress. I make a lot of effort to change and progress.“In the end, she won a lot more than 100,000 euros …

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