Alexandra announces her new pregnancy!

And 3 for Alexandra! The young woman, discovered in 2020 thanks to her victory inKoh-Lanta, the 4 Lands then in Koh-Lanta, the legendthe following year, announced that she would soon be giving birth to a third child.

This Tuesday, June 7, the former adventurer has her account instagram to share this excellent news with its thousands of subscribers. “A new adventure has already begun for me, but this time in the warmth surrounded by my loved ones, love (and food) which will fill our life at 4 with even more joy and laughter… Soon at 5 for our most great happiness. Don’t believe that my darling is carrying me in this photo, my buttocks are resting on a stool because I have already gained more than 10kg in 3 months… Will I beat my record that I have achieved for my 2 daughters: +35 kg at the end of pregnancy?”she wrote in the caption of a photo of her holding an ultrasound in her hands, in the company of her darling.

In the rest of her long text, this mother of two children already expressed her fears. “I’m not complaining, what a joy to carry life but what a hassle also this beginning of pregnancy!!!“, she continued. “I knew what to expect though… There is the same age gap between my three pregnancies, to believe that my memory has a lifespan of 5 and a half years! After the birth of Lana we were motivated the idea of ​​the 3rd, but following the multiple operations she had during her first two years, we decided to stop there…”justified himself before remembering what he expects him to know “nausea, vomiting, pimples, heartburn, disgust with everything, no longer being able to eat, and only supporting nutella and Mcdo”. Without forgetting “fatigue and waking up every 20 minutes at night to go to the bathroom… Swollen and heavy legs, water retention, sore breasts, the layout to be expected, the organization at 5 and the anxiety of not not be up to it…”.

In the comments, she received congratulations and reassuring messages!

See also: Clemence (Koh-Lanta): be careful, it’s hot!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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