Alexandra, 22, still unassigned since the start of the school year

Since October 27, 2021, several dozen students have taken turns occupying building B of the Nanterre faculty near Paris. They are asking for registration for the 21 unassigned students since the start of the school year. The president of the university Philippe Gervais-Lambony deplores a shortage of human resources and premises.

Alexandra, 22, is one of those “without college” as they call themselves. She was not admitted to a master’s degree even though she says she has validated her license in psychology with a general average of 14/20. Today, she denounces the selection at the university.

It was not because of my results that I was not admitted, it was because of the lack of funds.

Alexandra, 22 years old

to franceinfo

I applied to more than 25 faculties“, deplores Alexandra who has occupied the administrative building of the University of Nanterre for more than two months.”We are all students who have applied for a license or a master’s degree which has been completely unfairly refused.t “.

This causes a tremendous sense of injustice and anger. I grew up and learned in this faculty.

Alexandra, 22 years old

to franceinfo

Who would be willing to sleep away from home for two months for college enrollment?“, asks Alexandra, for whom this mobilization makes her”realize that you can fight for your rights“.

I hope to be able to do a master’s degree in psychology to work in child protection, to do the job of my dreams and to be able to tell myself that I have won it and that it is not over.

Alexandra, 22 years old

to franceinfo

Alexandra is not an activist. Politically, she has often been a bit lost. “I am so not politicized that I usually vote for the animalist party“, she launches, explaining that this could change in 2022.”I will wait to read the programs and I will see laterShe said. But what she hopes for now is enrollment in college.

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