Alex Lutz proud: rare photos of his son Ferdinand, 15 and the same blue eyes as dad

15 years already! January 4, 2022, Alex lutz took to his Instagram account to wish his son a happy birthday Ferdinand, born from his marriage to the florist Mathilde Vial. Photo montage of his teenager in support, the 43-year-old comedian, actor and director shared a rare personal message full of tenderness, between pride and nostalgia.

And suddenly this affair is 15 years old. And you are so proud that something crushes your heart. This time that with them we would like to remember more than anything, this time that we would like to redouble, he wrote on the social network. You remember your ball-shaped eyes as you rolled up to the sky with an annoyed sigh when adults, who then were your age today, said in loud exclamations “you have to stop.” grow up there now! “, that” it goes too quickly, it’s not possible “,” that you changed your diapers yesterday! “… You found them pies, you wouldn’t say that one day; you’re pies ultimately, you say it every day.

The Caesarized star (in 2019 for his film Guy) then adds to be flabbergasted to see her son become “one person“:”Something that is neither his father nor his mother. Something that is all alone. All alone like a grown-up. ” An awareness that pushes him and his “old schnock spirit”, not to let go of his hand entirely, at least not right away … “We are here. We love you, we are proud! Happy birthday my Péperos !! Daddy. “If he shows extravagance on stage, Alex Lutz wants to be more modest when it comes to talking about his family life.

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