Alex Albon, victim of respiratory failure after his appendicitis operation, will be able to leave the hospital

The Thai driver from the Williams team had to miss the Italian Grand Prix on Sunday for surgery, and suffered complications following the operation.

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Williams could have a smile on Sunday. The team celebrated in Monza the points of the 9th place of Nyck de Vries, debuting in F1 and replacing at short notice Alex Albon, package for an attack of appendicitis. She could also huff, relieved after her titular pilot got a good scare. The Thai driver experienced serious post-operative complications on Saturday, September 10, Williams said. Albon suffered from respiratory failure and had to be placed on life support.

The former Red Bull driver had successfully operated on Saturday for his appendicitis, which forced him to forfeit the Italian Grand Prix. “Following the procedure, Alex suffered unexpected postoperative anesthetic complications which led to respiratory failure, a known but rare complication.reveals Williams on Monday. He was reintubated and transferred to intensive care.

Alex Albon is better now and should be able to return to his home on Tuesday. “He is fully focused on recovery and preparation ahead of the Singapore Grand Prix” specifies his stable. Two intense weeks await him to be fit for Marina Bay. He had already been taken to hospital earlier in the season following the huge accident on the first lap of the British Grand Prix, without consequence. Very good this season within the historic British formation, Albon is in 19th place in the drivers’ classification with four points scored, already a small feat at the wheel of the modest Williams.

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