Alessandra Sublet: The face of her daughter Charlie finally unveiled, her portrait spitting out

Rarely, little Charlie’s face is not hidden. Neither by a smiley nor by an angle chosen on purpose. The girl, in pajamas, has brown hair and displays a beautiful smile. The same as his famous mom, just like his laughing eyes. In comments, several Internet users crack. Romy Sublet, the little girl’s maternal aunt, reacts in turn by posting two smileys: one representing a man with heart-shaped eyes and the other a diamond.

Remember that Alessandra Sublet and Clément Miserez are separated. Charlie and Alphonse go back and forth between mom’s and dad’s home … recently. Indeed, the ex-couple made the decision to no longer live under the same roof long after the breakup. “This move allows me to separate myself from the body with the father of my children. Until now, we have always lived together, despite our divorce. From now on, we are in a more common pattern with each one on call every other week. It is important to run towards your happiness“, explained the host to We both. Despite this now physical distance, the happy parents remain very close and accomplices, for the sake of the children.

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