Alessandra Sublet, cash on her children and her divorce: “I can guarantee you that they are happy!”

However, the situation is extremely clear for her two toddlers, as she explained this Sunday, in an interview for the JDD. “They have kept their life in Paris, it is the parents who tour every other week. And I can guarantee you they’re happy“, she said, sweeping the criticism. And according to her, if the situation is going rather well at the moment, it is for one reason: the good relationship she has with her ex-husband.

We are lucky, my ex-husband and I, to get along very well.“, she explains, happy to have kept a strong friendship with the one she married in 2012, the same year as the birth of their daughter. “We are a separate family but surely healthier than many others who stay together“, she concluded, happy with her current lifestyle. Clément Miserez has also republished the interview on his own Instagram account, with a touching caption: “Proud of you Alessandra“.

She had already responded to criticism of this joint custody and her move to the south … without too much consideration! “Fortunately, I can choose my life, without worrying about the judgment of others. They won’t be unhappy, nor will I. However, it is clear that at the dawn of 2022, when a woman says ‘I go to see my children every other week and I leave to live elsewhere’, other women who want to be feminists believe that she is abandoning them. “she stormed.

At the latest news, Alessandra Sublet would be single. After having shared the life of Jordan Deguen for almost a year, the host and he had broken up last year but had also remained on very good terms.

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