Alessandra Sublet and her ex Clément Miserez accomplices: they reveal rare photos of their daughter

This Tuesday, June 28, 2022, Alessandra Sublet and her ex-husband Clément Miserez are happy to celebrate their daughter Charlie. And for good reason, the latter is already celebrating its 10th anniversary! On Instagram, the 45-year-old ex-host hastened to start the day by dedicating a post to her. She shares a rare photo of Charlie there, when she was still a toddler. In legend, Alessandra Sublet sends him a sweet message.

10 years. You are the sun of my life Charlie, proof also that even if we are not carried by the feeling of having to be a mother (for those of you who are wondering, know that it doesn’t matter) you end up years later with a photo of your child on Instagram thinking that time flies too fast. Life is surprising and so pretty too. Let’s enjoy them every day, every hour, every minute. Happy Birthday my love“, she wrote.

In story, Alessandra Sublet unveiled another image of her baby daughter and then a last one of Charlie diving. Something to make his mom very proud. “my adventurer“, she commented on the photo. (See our slideshow).

Director Clément Miserez also took care to pay tribute to his beloved daughter. On his Instagram account, he also decided to dive back into his archives and found a photo of baby Charlie when taking a bath. “If it passes so quickly, it is because you are simply wonderful! Charlie, I LOVE YOU to infinity and beyond. Happy 10“, he addressed to him. And for his ex-wife to comment: “We’re lucky.

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