Alesian player gets punched in the face

This Saturday, November 6, a scene of violence broke out during the Alès-Beaucaire regional derby. While a series of arbitrator decisions were contested on both sides, a Beaucairois stadium leader entered the field and hit Theo Peyrard, an OAC player 23 years old in the face.

The act surprised everyone, both in the stands and on the pitch. And the player’s reaction was exemplary according to his coach Stéphane Saurat: “_He didn’t do anything, he didn’t try to retaliate_r, which could have made it worse“.

The young man even continued the match until the end before going to the emergency room. Verdict: he has a broken nose.

Shock on both sides

Tensions can be recurring between the two clubs, both at the top of the ranking of the N3 championship in Occitania. But an act ofsuch violence is really very surprising according to the Alesian coach: “Normally, it never happens to our level. Admittedly, there is a sporting rivalry between Beaucaire and Alès but never aggressive.

the president of Stade Beaucairois Xavier Mouret strongly condemns this act :

This gesture is not at all supported. It is an isolated act that does not represent our state of mind. We are a club with a lot of social involvement, we do a lot of violence prevention. Obviously when this happens to us, it’s shocking and we realize that no one is ever safe from seeing it happen at home. There will be follow-up and decisions taken internally. Xavier Mouret, president of Stade Beaucairois 30.

This match, Alès won 2-0, but in the locker room, the joy was not there according to the coach Stéphane Saurat: “victory had no flavor, we were disappointed, disgusted. It’s really the kind of thing you don’t want to see in sport.

So far, a report has been drawn up by the arbitrator. Regarding legal proceedings, the decision has not yet been made. The manager of the Alésien club Philippe Mallaroni specifies: “It is still too recent. Corn no matter what decision Theo takes, we support him and will support it in the future.

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