Alès launches a communication campaign against dog waste

Whether you’re a dog owner or not, walking through dog poo is rarely seen as a positive experience… even when this happiness is at the end of the left foot“. The message of the city of Alès is very clear! the city wants “act to limit this daily nuisance as much as possible for all pedestrians in the city“. From February 7 to 20, 2022, a major communication campaign aims to fight against dog excrement and it is the Environment Brigade which will be in charge of this operation.

38 to 135 euros fine

Until February 13, it is primarily about prevention with the following actions: reminder to canine owners of the existence of 50 distribution points in the city putting poop bags available as well as 5 poop tongs distribution points (veterinary clinic in the Arènes district, Mairie Prim’, Atome, Town Hall, SAJE Faubourg du Soleil association), raising awareness among dog owners of the importance of picking up their dog’s droppings animal with rounds in the heart of town and around schools from 8 a.m. daily, and installation of 20 information panels in the green spaces of the municipality and more particularly in the targeted areas in collaboration with the maintenance agents of the city.

From February 14 to 20, a second, more repressive phase will be held with the systematic verbalization by the agents of the municipal police of Alès of the incivilities relating to dog excrement. As a reminder, a decree was taken on the city including the obligation to hold a bag to pick up excrement liable to a fine of 38 euros in addition to the fine for non-collection of 135 euros.

source site-38