About forty demonstrators, some hooded, marched through downtown Annecy on Tuesday evening, chanting far-right slogans. This demonstration, undeclared, could have been the subject of a ban, specifies the prefecture of Haute-Savoie.
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The Annecy prosecutor’s office confirms Thursday, May 18 to franceinfo the opening of a preliminary investigation for “organization of an undeclared demonstration” after a nationalist parade in the streets of Annecy. The opening of the investigation follows the report of the prefect of Haute-Savoie under article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
The demonstration took place on Tuesday evening, around 10 p.m., in the streets of downtown Annecy. A video was relayed on social networks and shows in particular demonstrators, some hooded, waving French and Savoyard flags. You can also hear chanting slogans such as “France to the French or “Europe, youth, revolution”, a rallying cry heard in ultra-right gatherings. According to France Bleu Pays de Savoie, the video was published on the Twitter account “Le Syndicat des Fleuristes”, which describes itself as “a group of French patriots with values and convictions”.
The prefecture condemns this parade
In a press release published this Thursday, and which franceinfo was able to consult, the prefect of Haute-Savoie underlines that this far-right rally was organized “in secret” and “without prior declaration”. “This gathering has not been the subject of any declaration to the public authorities, which is why it could not be banned beforehand. Indeed, the risks that it gives rise to public incitement to hatred, violence or discrimination, constituting an offense punishable by criminal penalties, could have justified a ban on demonstrations”specifies the prefect.
The prefecture also indicates that identity checks took place during the rally, “distinctive signs and banners” were also noted by the police officers sent to the scene. The organizers of the event expose themselves to “a sentence of 6 months’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros”recalls the press release from the prefect.