Alec Baldwin: The family of Halyna Hutchins, who died on the set, files a complaint against him

A situation that is getting worse for Alec Baldwin! A complaint has indeed been filed against him according to AFP by the family of Halyna Hutchins, the woman who died on October 21 on the set of his latest film. While rehearsing a scene with a gun, he accidentally shot the 42-year-old cinematographer.

Normally loaded blank, the weapon was actually equipped with live ammunition and had caused the death of the young woman. The actor had attended the funeral and supported the family of his victim. However, he had explained a few months later in an interview for ABC “not feeling guilty or even responsible“, because the filmmaker had asked him to point his revolver at her.

The husband and the son of this one have therefore decided to file a complaint against Alec Baldwin, also producer of the film. Indeed, they estimate that the team had not been equipped with sufficient protective equipment and that approximately “15 criteria“Security had been ignored on the set of the film on a ranch in Santa Fe.

The family lawyer, Me Panish, also felt that a dummy weapon should have been used instead of an operational weapon. On this point, the police had also opened a criminal investigation and were trying to find out how live ammunition could have ended up on the set, an unprecedented and normally prohibited situation.

A filed complaint that should bring the family a “substantial sum” according to the lawyer. And it is not the only one to have been filed against Alec Baldwin, since the chief lighting designer had already informed the police of the negligence of the actor, the production and the gunsmith Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, who had found herself in the spotlight, had herself accused the man who had provided the ammunition.

The situation is therefore difficult for the members of the film crew who had all been very affected by this tragedy. The director of the film had also been hit by the accidentally fired bullet but escaped a few days later.

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