Alec Baldwin: First red carpet since his fatal shooting, with his wife pregnant with their 7th child

Alec Baldwin returns to the red carpet. It was with his wife Hilaria that the actor made his return to the photocall. He had been involved in the death of a technician during the filming of the film Rust last October. Proof that the family has completely moved on?

In any case, the comeback of the famous interpreter of beetle juice on the red carpet will be seen as a very good sign. Indeed, Alec Bladwin appeared smiling and relaxed on the arm of his wife, pregnant with their seventh child. The two lovebirds, who are almost 30 years apart, went to the John Golden Theater (New York) for the premiere of Martin McDonagh’s play, Hang men. The 64-year-old actor wore a blue suit over a red shirt while his wife was pictured in a long black coat (see slideshow).

Although seen with the family in New York, at a charity in December and then on a film set in Italy in the months following the famous tragedy, the ex of Kim Basinger had until then wanted to stay away from the carpets red. It was revealed last month that Alec Baldwin was trying to convince producers to resume and complete filming of Rust, marred by the sudden death of its cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins. The actor would have had the argument of offering to pay the profits of the film to the family of the victim.

As a reminder, on October 21, 2021, Halyna Hutchins was killed in New Mexico, on the set of Western Rust. The 42-year-old technician had been shot by actor Alec Baldwin who thought he was handling a loaded pistol. Director and screenwriter Joel Souza was also injured. Alec Baldwin has since been the subject of several complaints, including that of Matthew (the victim’s husband). So far, justice has held the actor not guilty and classified the case as an accident…

Fines for producers

On Wednesday, April 20, a new element fell into this file. A report from New Mexico authorities established that producers of Rust are responsible for breaches of safety conditions on set.

The police have not yet initiated criminal charges but do not rule out doing so, including against Alec Baldwin.

The Department of the Environment of the State of New Mexico, in the southwest of the United States, conducted its own investigation into a civil file relating to the rules of hygiene and safety of the filming. Rust producers have “demonstrates a blatant disregard for the risks associated with firearms by consistently failing to enforce their own safety protocols”, underlines its report. They didn’t do enough”to ensure that the management of lethal weapons was given the time and attention necessary to ensure the safety of the teams“, adds the text.

The State of New Mexico thus imposed on the producers a civil fine of $136,793 and a charge involving willful misconduct. This is the highest possible fine under state law, the New Mexico Department of the Environment said in a statement.

Stefan Friedman, a spokesman for Rust Movie Productions, said in a statement that the producers intend to challenge the report. “While appreciating the time and effort of the Department of the Environment (…), we disagree with its findings and intend to appeal“, he wrote.

The criminal investigation, unrelated to this decision, is still ongoing.

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