Alcoholic Jérémy Ferrari: “I could drink 6 liters of wine a day”, he recounts his descent into hell

Soon at the Folies Bergère with the show General anaesthesia from April 13 to 24, 2022 and on tour throughout France, Jérémy Ferrari (real name Jeremy Larzilliere) spoke with great sincerity of his former addictions and mental disorders but also his alcoholism in an interview.

Interviewed on video by Konbinihe explains : “In a day, I could drink, without any problem, six liters of wine. People think it’s impossible to drink six liters of rosé, but in fact, you don’t realize (…) I took large shakers. I put in ice cubes, I crushed them at the bottom, I took a bottle of rosé and I filled the shaker. I drank it ice cold. A shaker like this is practically the entire bottle of rosé. I could drink that in half an hour, no problem“. Jérémy Ferrari, renowned for not having his tongue in his pocket, specifies: “I think I’ve always been an alcoholic. I could drink all night, the next day at 9 a.m., get up and drink again. Or get up and go for a run (…) There it’s been five and a half years that I drink more (…) I am an alcoholic, I will be all my life.

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