Albrecht Mayer, Mozart | The duty

A tangy look at 2021: second part. So here is an excellent oboist. The oboe being an instrument close to the voice, Mayer records Mozartian transcriptions such as theAve Verum or theExultate, jubilate. Also on the program is a skilful adaptation for oboe and harpsichord from the Concerto for flute and harp K. 299. The question is not there. Albrecht Mayer’s Mozart CD was released in the spring of 2021. However, in the fall, this “ Extended Edition ”, With six additional tracks. The new editorial fad of the ” Extended Edition Is a real assault on the consumer in the classic niche market, where physical CDs are dying and where the most motivated buyers made their purchase a few months earlier. Why don’t we sell them all the relevant art content the first time? Why disgust the world with frustration? Does anyone at DG conduce on Columbo’s “Oh yes, I forgot”? Forgetting to burn musical tracks on the first try: we have fallen very low.

Albrecht mayer



Mozart, DG “Extended Edition”, 2 CD, 486 1725

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