Albi town hall services in Tarn paralyzed after a cyberattack

Emergency mobile numbers have been set up.


Reading time: 1 min

Albi, in the Tarn.  (ERIC CABANIS / AFP)

Services at the town hall of Albi (Tarn) are still disrupted on Tuesday evening, after a cyberattack on Monday April 22 at 6 a.m., reports France Bleu Occitanie. The origin of the attack is still unknown; experts from the National Information Systems Security Agency will make their diagnosis on Friday at the earliest.

Until then, emergency mobile numbers have been set up, in particular to reserve a meal in the canteen, or for transportation for seniors since the email addresses of city services are inaccessible. It is also impossible for teachers or students to use their computers. On the other hand, the services of the agglomeration have not been impacted, they will therefore be able to take over from those of the city, such as the management of the payroll service.

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