Alberta | Danielle Smith under investigation by the Ethics Commissioner

(Edmonton) Alberta Premier Danielle Smith announced on Monday that she is under investigation by the Ethics Commissioner into whether she interfered in the administration of justice in the context of a lawsuit against a citizen related to pandemic health measures.

The Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement that Smith welcomed this investigation and that she would cooperate with the Ethics Commissioner. The Prime Minister also says she is convinced that this investigation will determine that she has done nothing wrong.

Mme Smith faced new allegations of interference with the justice system after a phone call went viral nearly two weeks ago. In this call, the Conservative Prime Minister is heard discussing an ongoing criminal case with the accused in this case.

During this call, Smith shares the details of an internal disagreement over the Crown’s strategy in this case involving St. Pastor Artur Pawlowski, of Calgary.

We hear Smith promise to investigate on Pastor Pawlowski’s behalf and get back to him, while saying the charges against him are ideological.

Mme Smith has previously defended the timeliness of the phone call, saying that while politicians are not free to contact criminally charged individuals about their active case, it is her role as an elected official. to listen to and act on the concerns of fellow citizens.

Then, at the weekend, Mme Smith offered a new interpretation of the phone call. On her Saturday morning call-in radio show, she explained that she had accepted Mr. Pawlowski’s phone call because she believed the pastor was calling her as the leader of a political party, the Alberta Independence Party. She suggested that she didn’t expect him to bring up her court case.

Lawyers believe that this call constitutes a clear violation of the wall that must exist between the political and judicial powers. Whatever the reason for this call, Smith should have ended the conversation as soon as the court case arose, legal experts believe.

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