Alberta | A provincial deputy pleads guilty to having hacked the health network

(Edmonton) An independent member of the Alberta Legislative Assembly has pleaded guilty to using a computer to hack into the province’s health system computer system.

Posted at 11:08 p.m.

Thomas Dang registered his guilty plea Friday morning in Provincial Court and a spokesperson for the deputy confirmed the information by press release.

For his gesture, the chosen one is liable to a fine. His sentence should be served on him on November 29.

Mr. Dang, an independent MP for the riding of Edmonton South, does not plan to run for a new term in the elections scheduled for next spring.

He was previously a member of the NDP caucus, but walked out nearly a year ago when the RCMP began investigating a hacking of the government’s vaccine campaign website. COVID-19.

Thomas Dang later admitted having used his computer to try to validate information received from a citizen that security flaws allowed easy access to personal medical data.

He later admitted that after running into a few hurdles trying to find a way to break into the platform, he used Prime Minister Jason Kenney’s birth date and vaccination dates — information available online — to bypass the security barriers of the platform.

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