Albert of Monaco: the “lack” of Charlene, the difficulty, he finally breaks the silence on this “test”

After the revelations of Charlene of Monaco, it is the turn of Prince Albert to break the silence about what they have been through. In the columns of the JDD, this Sunday June 5, 2022, the Monegasque monarch, who offered himself a magical trip in a carriage with his children the twins Gabriella and Jacques, agreed to talk about how he lived the rumors which were born during the estrangement of his wife from the Rock. “It was a test! A test for my wife, especially, who has suffered a lot and lived through difficult times, far from his family. A test also for our children and for myself. We missed the princess a lot“, confessed Prince Albert II to our colleagues.

We were obviously hurt by malicious rumors which have been peddled. But we knew how to stay united despite the distancewe talked a lot“, added the prince and father of a family. Happy with the return of Charlene to the Rock, he said about it: “Today, Charlene is back with us and that’s the best thing that could have happened. She’s better, we can finally spend time together.” “It’s a relief and a joy for all of us“, he concluded.

Between emotion and fragility

The 64-year-old Sovereign has assured in his role of father with the twins, in particular when the latter have long been deprived of their mother. The past year has been one of the most eventful for the Monegasque princely family. Detained for many months in South Africa, due to a serious ENT infection, Charlene de Monaco was finally able to make her return a few weeks ago. She has thus multiplied the public appearances with her family.

About the rumors, the princess recently confided in Nice Matin. “You mean divorce rumors or my new home in Switzerland… I still find it regrettable that some media peddle such rumors about my life, my relationship. Like everyone else, we are human beings and like all human beings we have emotions, weaknessesonly our family is exposed to the media and the slightest weakness is relayed“, she thus regretted.

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