Albert of Monaco: His elders Jazmin and Alexandre reunited without him … while they are in the same city

A complicity that is a pleasure to see! Now both adults, Jazmin Grace Grimaldi (30 years old) and her little brother Alexandre (19 years old), born from various liaisons with Prince Albert of Monaco, seem more and more complicit. The proof ? After spending the summer together, the two met this Thursday, November 3 to spend a day together in New York, as simple tourists.

For the young man, whose mother, flight attendant Nicole Coste, is French, some places were even a discovery: accompanied by his big sister, he indeed attended his first play on Broadway. Just before that, the duo had strolled through a museum, chaining selfies. A moment that both seem to have enjoyed and the eldest in particular, she who seemed particularly proud to appear with her little brother on Instagram.

A little brother she could almost never have known, since neither of them grew up with their father, and they spent their childhood very far from each other. But today, everyone seems to have made efforts to find a real and beautiful relationship, already experienced this summer during a vacation together, was born.

But one detail intrigues all the same: the duo, full of “brotherly love”, as the young woman wrote on Instagram, found himself in New York at the same time… as Prince Albert and his wife Charlene, themselves present for a ceremony in tribute to Grace Kelly. However, the Monegasque monarch does not yet seem to have seen his children… So, would there be some tension? Or was the meeting simply done in the greatest discretion?

Impossible to know at the moment, but it seems thatsuch a coincidence is all the same a little strange… Especially when we know that relations have not always been excellent: if, last year, the first photo of the entire siblings (with the adorable Jacques and Gabriella, almost 8 years old) had been revealed, the two elders had rather little appreciated being forgotten from the New Year’s greeting card. Jazmin had then pointed it out quite curtly, by photoshopping their photos on the original card…

Fortunately, both now have their own careers: Jazmin, who bought a superb villa in Los Angeles for more than 3 million dollars, has been trying for several months to get into the cinema. His younger brother, meanwhile, is studying brilliantly and has recently embarked on modeling.

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