Albert of Monaco: his daughter Jazmin makes an unexpected decision…

But what happens to Jazmin Grace Grimaldi? Tuesday February 1, 2022, the eldest daughter of Prince Albert of Monaco began the month by surprising her Instagram subscribers: the 29-year-old American deleted all her past publications and announced her withdrawal from the social network. A rather surprising decision when you know how active she was, regularly sharing photos and videos of her daily life as a singer and beginner actress.

Break from social media for February, and maybe longer. Peace and love everyone!“, Jazmin she simply wrote in Story (see slideshow). For more explanations, it will be necessary to go back … Too bad for its approximately 32,000 subscribers who until then were entitled to selfies all smiles, photos of her puppy, some extracts from her filming projects and her concerts with her musician boyfriend Ian Mellencamp… Recently, her Instagram account had attracted attention: Jazmin had “corrected” her father’s greeting card on Prince Albert and his wife Princess Charlene to add his face, as well as that of his half-brother Alexandre Grimaldi Coste (18 years old, the sovereign’s other child born out of wedlock). humor and well-felt sting…

Always on Instagram, the daughter of Albert and the American Tamara Rotolo had also delighted her subscribers by revealing a very first photo of her with her three half-brothers and sister. A shot probably taken last summer in Monaco, on which Jazmin and Alexandre posed with Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella (7 years old). In December, Prince Albert’s eldest had also revealed that she was surely closer to the twins than one might think by addressing them: “Happy birthday my beautiful brother and sister Jacques and Gabriella. May each year bring you more joy, health, happiness and fun! I wish I was there to celebrate with you two. With love, your big sister“.

Near Gala in 2018, Grace Kelly’s granddaughter said she had “a love relationship with Jacques, Gabriella and Alexandre“: “I try to go to Monaco at least once or twice a year. Family is very important to me.”

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