Albert and Caroline of Monaco: A moment of complicity with the family for a special occasion… to the hair!

It has been taking place on the Rock for nearly a century: the International Canine Exhibition, which brings together the most beautiful pedigree dogs in the world, was held in Monaco this weekend. A real event for enthusiasts, who flock there for each edition, and who have been joined, like almost every year, by Prince Albert and his sister Caroline.

Dressed in a yellow coat, the Princess of Hanover hugged all the little animals, before presenting the prizes for the best dogs with her brother. Both had fun but had not taken any children from the family this year: last year, Jacques and Gabriella (leg in a cast) had accompanied them, while their mother was stuck in South Africa.

A few years ago, they had also taken some of Caroline’s children, like her two youngest, Pierre and Alexandra, always happy to enjoy the animals. A love of animals that also animates Baroness Mélanie-Antoinette de Massy, ​​their cousin, in charge of the exhibition as were her mother, Elizabeth-Ann (deceased in 2020), her grandmother, Antoinette (deceased in 2011) and her great-grandmother, Princess Charlotte.

The 37-year-old young woman, very close to Albert and his sister, has therefore, for one more year, held at arm’s length the organization of this gargantuan presentation of 1130 dogs of 181 different breeds, originating from 23 countries. A task that weighs absolutely nothing on him. “I don’t claim to be an expert even though I’ve been coming to the dog show since I was three months old in my grandmother’s arms. And I haven’t missed a show since“, she explained to the newspaper Monaco-Morningvery proud.

It must be said that she is a real enthusiast: “My preferences go towards dachshunds. (…) I had a crush a few years ago for the Tibetan Mastiffs. They are extraordinary dogs, the biggest dogs in the world, which guard the temples in Tibet, which are around 100 kilos. On the other hand, I advise against having a Monaco, it’s complicated to manage given the space!“, she laughs in the same interview.

Marked by the death of her mother two years ago, she finds herself alone at the helm for the first time (last year, the Exhibition took place behind closed doors). Fortunately, she can count on a very strong team: “We are passionate in this team in whom I have complete confidence and who do a remarkable job. We have experienced several deaths in recent years. My mother, of course, but also our secretary in 2020 and our technical director in 2021. We are almost starting on a new team!” she concluded, visibly fulfilled.

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