Alain (Love is in the meadow) deprived of speed-dating: “My suitors were waiting for me on the barge”

Alain began the adventure Love is in the pre 2022 in a particular way. Questioned by our colleagues from Star TV, the 58-year-old calf farmer revealed that he never made it through the speed-dating stage, but will still be part of the adventure.

Since August 22, M6 viewers have been able to discover farmers’ speed-datings every Monday. They have already been able to follow that of Noémie, Thierry, Alexandre or even Jean-Paul. For the time being, Alain has not yet passed in front of the cameras. But, when this is the case, the public will not have the opportunity to discover his speed-dating and for good reason, he did not go there. Unlike Emmanuelle, it is not because none of her suitors pleased her. The Covid-19 simply decided to knock on his door just before the famous meetings.

It was totally unintentional. During the two years of the pandemic, since I was very isolated on the farm, I was never infected. And then I celebrated my birthday a few days before the speed dating. I tested negative and, leaving for Paris, I had no symptoms. Just a little fever the day before, but I thought I had caught a cold. This is how I found myself stuck in my hotel room with the Covid, while my suitors were waiting for me on the barge. That’s all me! “, confided Alain to TV Star.

Fortunately for the farmer who really wanted to find true love, his adventure did not end there. Alain has indeed invited his three suitors to his home, all without seeing them. It was the show’s team that gave him the idea, as he explained, because his “suitors arrived at regular intervals“.”It allowed me to have a one-on-one conversation with everyone, before the four of us got together in the house. It was fun, I had three for the price of two. It’s the kind of situation that I could never have experienced in everyday life.“, he concluded, amused.

It remains to be seen whether the man of her life is among her suitors. Recall that in his portrait, Alain explained that he liked virile men, “not too skinny“, who enjoy life. He hopes to meet an independent person, who has his job, and funny.

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