Me Christophe Ayela, one of the two lawyers who spoke in the media claiming to represent Alain Delon, will no longer speak on behalf of the star.
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It’s official, Me Christophe Ayela, one of the two lawyers who spoke in the media claiming to represent Alain Delon, will no longer speak on behalf of the star. An announcement from the lawyer himself and the actor’s son, Anthony Delon, Wednesday January 24: “Mr. Aleya speaks on behalf of my father without being authorized to do so. He is not his lawyer. My father decided to let him know by mail,” he explained.
Lawyer Ayela also spoke on the subject: “I consider that I can no longer calmly ensure the defense of Alain Delon. Today (Wednesday)I was prevented from seeing him in Douchy (the town where the actor lives in Loiret). I draw the consequences, I stop”he commented.
Regarding the letter signed by the hand of the actor revoking him, Me Ayela claims to have “learned that on Sunday, without his knowledge, Alain Delon would have signed a paper written by the lawyers of Anthony and Alain-Fabien Delon, Maîtres Bedossa and Watrin. “A paper that he probably should not have read”, he adds.
The lawyer, who says “carrying the voice of Alain Delon for five years” and was also until recently the advisor of his daughter Anouchka, announced his intention to “grab the bar” on this subject and consider “a complaint for forgery and use of forgery, if Alain Delon did not understand what he signed”. Contacted by AFP, Me Laurence Bedossa, who also claimed to be the actor’s advisor, did not immediately comment.
A brotherhood that is torn apart
The Delon siblings explode over the state of health of their father, aged 88 and weakened since a stroke in 2019. His sons Anthony, 59, and Alain-Fabien, 29, believe that he is being manipulated by their sister Anouchka, aged 33, who allegedly hid her condition from them. She would like to bring him back from France to Switzerland to avoid paying too much tax on the inheritance, Anthony accuses.
For her part, Anouchka accuses her brothers of endangering the life of the actor The swimming pool and Cheetah and claims to have wanted to bring their father back to Switzerland so that he could continue to be treated there. A medical assessment was carried out on January 13, according to the lawyers involved in the case, who also disagree on the conclusions to be drawn from it. The Montargis public prosecutor’s office did not confirm this information.