An essential show of the 80s and 90s, “Surprise Surprise” is one of the great pioneers of hidden camera programs on the small screen. Presented by Georges Beller from January 1993, the former host was also the guest of Jordan de Luxe in “Chez Jordan” this Tuesday, January 24, 2023. The opportunity to return to this program in which several public figures have been trapped and among them, Alain Delon.
George Beller has also made it known that the actor was one of those stars who had asked that passages never be broadcast on the air! At the question : “Are there things that we haven’t seen in Surprise sur prize”, the former host indeed replied: “Yes, at the request of people who were caught and who did not want it to pass. Alain Delon, for example, because he ate with his mouth open. He forbade (this sequence »he revealed.
17 years before the trap aired
As a reminder, when Alain Delon had been trapped by the teams of “Surprise sur prize”, the latter had not appreciated the joke at all. The proof, the actor had not authorized the broadcast at the time. “Alain Delon first found his formidable trap. It was later, and I still don’t know why, that he formally banned its distribution. I admit that, 8 years later, I would like the actor to give his authorization. The trap was so good that we successfully renewed it, with Bernard Tapie”revealed Marcel Béliveau in an interview with TV Star in 2001. A wish granted almost 20 years later since in 2010, M6 was finally able to broadcast the trap in question during an exceptional bonus.
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