Alain Delon “anxious” at the idea of ​​​​shooting his latest film? Patrice Leconte explains…

Will we see Alain Delon one last time at the cinema? Nothing is less certain, now that his film project with Patrice Leconte has fallen through… In the middle of a promotional tour for his new feature film, Maigret (at the cinema on February 23, 2022), the director confirmed that Alain Delon (86) had finally withdrawn from the film project they were preparing together.

During a passage on the 8:30 p.m. on Sunday from France 2 in 2016, Alain Delon had mentioned his desire to shoot one last time with Patrice Leconte. The two men notably collaborated in 1998 on the film One chance out of two (see slideshow). With screenwriter Jérôme Tonnerre, the filmmaker has therefore set about writing a new feature film entitled The Empty Housein which Alain Delon had to give the reply to a famous actress…

We wrote him a tailor-made screenplay, with a story that is both twilight and luminousexplained Patrice Leconte to Full screen. He would have interpreted a man who meets a young woman whose role I had entrusted to Juliette Binoche. The film was centered on the exchanges between these two characters who would save each other while they were both lost in their respective lives.” Except that if this project ends up being done, it will be without the Samurai: “Alain Delon had health problems which postponed the shooting [un AVC survenu au printemps 2019, NDLR]. And when he was available again, Juliette Binoche was no longer. The truth, I think Alain Delon was perhaps anxious at the idea of ​​making his last film.”

At the microphone of RFM on February 20, Patrice Leconte reaffirmed this hypothesis: “I think Delon, with all the friendship and admiration I have for him, the fact of announcing his last film, it’s a bit as if he was going to shoot it and die afterwards.” Since his stroke, Alain Delon has limited his public appearances. In the spring of 2021, he gave his news for a long interview granted to TV5 Monde, from his refuge in Douchy. Last September, he left his reserve to attend the funeral of his friend Jean-Paul Belmondo, supported by his son Anthony. His last appearance in the cinema dates back to 2019, in the film Any resemblance…

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