Dolph Lundgren, known for his iconic action roles, takes a humorous turn in a comedic sketch titled “The Pleurnisher.” Transitioning from the stoic Frank Castle in “The Punisher,” Lundgren becomes a hilariously emotional character overwhelmed by tears. A mock trailer showcases his struggle to maintain composure while narrating a heart-wrenching Christmas tale. This parody reveals a lighter side of Lundgren, contrasting sharply with his typical tough-guy image, blending humor with poignant moments.
Dolph Lundgren: From Action Star to Comedy Icon
Dolph Lundgren, the renowned Swedish actor, has carved a niche for himself in the action movie genre since his breakout role in 1985. After appearing in a minor part in the James Bond film, A View to a Kill, alongside Roger Moore and his then-fiancée Grace Jones, he solidified his fame as the formidable villain in Rocky IV opposite Sylvester Stallone.
Following this iconic debut, Lundgren starred in a string of successful action and adventure films, including Masters of the Universe (1987), Red Scorpion (1989), Punisher (1989), and Dark Angel (1990). He even managed to outshine Jean-Claude Van Damme in 1992’s Universal Soldier. In 1994, he showcased his talent in The Peacekeeper, and in 1995, he appeared alongside Keanu Reeves in Johnny Mnemonic.
A Humorous Twist: The Pleurnisher
In this humorous take, Lundgren transitions from the stoic hero in The Punisher to the comically emotional character known as The Pleurnisher. While in The Punisher, he portrays Frank Castle, a former police officer seeking vengeance against the mafia for his family’s massacre, in The Pleurnisher, he is depicted as a man overwhelmed by tears.
In a mock trailer for The Pleurnisher, viewers encounter him striking a heroic pose in the street, as Alain Chabat’s dramatic voiceover announces, “Dolph Lundgren is back.” However, the tone shifts when Chantal Lauby interjects, narrating a heart-wrenching Christmas tale that draws a poignant contrast to Lundgren’s action star persona.
As Chantal shares her tale of a mother abandoning her children in the cold, dark forest on Christmas Eve, the camera zooms in on Lundgren, who struggles to maintain his serious demeanor. The emotional weight of the story takes its toll, and he begins to shed tears while trying to keep his composure.
As the narrative unfolds, the actor finds it increasingly challenging to hold back his emotions. When the story reaches its climax, Lundgren is left utterly inconsolable, prompting Chabat to declare, “Dolph Lundgren is The Pleurnisher,” as he wipes his nose in despair.
Chantal Lauby concludes the story with a fittingly absurd twist: “And she left with a heavy heart to eat a chestnut turkey at the restaurant,” to which Lundgren, still teary-eyed, exclaims, “It’s too sad!”
This hilarious parody showcases a different side of Lundgren, far removed from his typical muscular roles. You can find the uproarious sketch linked below – be prepared for a mix of laughter and tears!