Alain Bernard dad for the first time: baby photos, sex and first name revealed!

Alain Bernard is a fulfilled man. A few days ago, he formalized the pregnancy of his wife Faustine by revealing one of the pictures of a pregnancy session captioned “loading” Fifteen days later, happiness definitely knocked on their door since the young woman gave birth to their first child. On July 27, a little girl pointed the tip of her nose at Faustine and Alain, for the biggest happiness of the young parents, already madly in love with her.

On Instagram, the former swimmer revealed two photos of their new exceptional life: a first on which mom and baby are lying on the bed, one facing the other. Another on which Alain Bernard, amazed, is leaning over his daughter. The latter was born with a little advance. The birth, scheduled for early August, finally took place on July 27: the baby is called Ava and she is already “the most beautiful encounter that can exist” for his parents, as indicated by Alain Bernard in the caption.

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