Akrobate, a young start-up specializing in influencer marketing

Ryan Gault is 24 years old and lives near Tours. After a BTS in Negotiation and Customer Relations, he entered a business school. However, the desire to undertake is too strong: he stops his studies to start his career as an entrepreneur, first launching a self-employed company specializing in marketing, then a clothing brand. He created Akrobate in March 2021.

Akrobate is a start-up in Touraine, winner of the French Tech Tremplin program. She launches her application, to democratize influence marketing. But what is influencer marketing? It is the collaboration between companies and individuals who record a significant number of subscribers and online engagement on the internet and networks.

Brands work with these people (called influencers because of the influence they have on their followers) to reach their subscriber networks and thereby promote their products and services.

More than two years after the start of the health crisis, the observation remains clear: the internet and social networks are communication media that are just as effective as they are essential. More than ever, brands and companies must be present there. And, for many of them, the presence of their products and brands on social networks is essential. In exchange for compensation, influencers publish content, text or video, to promote a product or service. The problem is that social network algorithms are complex: to launch an effective campaign, you have to understand how they work, but also carefully target the influencers who will become, in the time of a post or a video, the ambassadors of the brands or of your know-how. A poorly designed influencer campaign can thus have a negative impact on a brand, with influencers who are not in line with the values ​​of a company. It can also be a real waste of time and money.

It is to respond to these issues that the Akrobate solution was created.

His goal ? Help companies, thanks to advanced technological tools, to carry out influence campaigns on social networks. All this with ease and security, through an interface accessible on computer and smartphone.

Akrobate’s mission is to make influence marketing accessible to all French companies, whatever their sector of activity or their budget. Akrobate’s pool is made up of thousands of micro-influencers from various backgrounds, ready to participate in influencer marketing campaigns. Akrobate is thus able to automatically determine which influencers will be best able to promote a brand, service or product, and offer the strongest return on investment.

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