Akanomy The Bulk Adventure, mobile grocery store

Mélanie Métais has come a long way. Before being a big fan of bulk, she worked in the realm of overconsumption. The birth of her daughter and a move have accelerated the process: she has to get rid of what is not useful. In the summer of 2018, she began to think about this subject and came across the Facebook page of two women who run an itinerant bulk grocery store in the Landes. Example makes dreams possible.

Mélanie Métais in a market
Melanie Métais

It starts its new activity in February 2020, a few days before the first confinement and has taken advantage of the enthusiasm of consumers for the markets. Akanomy is the name her mother found after her children’s first names.

100% bulk, 95% organic and 75% local

It was precisely a question that Mélanie Métais asked. She doesn’t like driving and was not very comfortable at first setting up her truck in market places. But she recognizes that mutual aid in the markets has helped her a lot. His truck: 3 m long by 2 m high even has a small name “Vrakita” and a custom-made wooden interior.

Mélanie Métais' daughter gives her mother a hand.
Mélanie Métais’ daughter gives her mother a hand.
Melanie Métais

Mélanie Métais immediately found her place with her 100% bulk concept. It sells 95% organic products and 75% local products: flour, legumes, pasta, cookies and chocolates, beers and solid cosmetics. Come and do your shopping in the Deux-Sèvres markets with your bags, boxes and jars. A small consumer gesture, a big gesture for the planet.

Akanomy The Bulk Adventure is on the markets:

  • Monday: every second Monday at La Peyratte (in the evening, at the Ferme de la Pionnière)
  • Tuesday: every second Tuesday on the Vasles market (in the morning) and the third Tuesday of the month market in Ardin
  • Wednesday: on the Parthenay market
  • Thursday: every other Thursday at the Gâtine flavor market in Pompaire V
  • Friday: every other Friday at the Ferrière-en-Parthenay market (in the morning) and La Fabrik market (in the evening in Saint-Pardoux-Soutiers)
  • Saturday: Champdeniers market (in the morning)
  • Sunday: Châtillon-sur-Thouet market (in the morning)

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