Clément Beaune affirmed that the government would let “nothing go unnoticed” but noted a drop in the number of hoaxes in recent days.
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French airports have been targeted by 100 bomb threats since October 18, announced Tuesday October 31 the Minister for Transport, Clément Beaune, on LCI. He said the number of hoaxes was falling “in recent days, precisely because there is this position of great firmness.”
The minister, who added that these hoaxes did not all come from the same email address, reiterated that the government would not let “nothing pass”. “We will file a complaint every time”he insisted.
“No alert is taken lightly”
“No alert is taken lightly, all are subject to intervention,” insisted the Minister of Transport, recalling that the police intervene “systematically”. He also noted some cases of attempted cyberattacks.
In addition to bomb threats, “almost a doubling of reports of abandoned luggage in train stations and airports” was observed, according to Clément Beaune. He also reported the arrest of an individual at the Gare de Lyon (legal proceedings are underway).
In the context of the war between Hamas and Israel, France has raised to the maximum the alert level of the Vigipirate plan against attacks since the assassination on October 13 of the teacher Dominique Bernard in his high school in Arras (Pas- de-Calais) by a young person arrested for Islamist radicalization.