Airport curfew in France: a mayor gives Santa Claus a free pass

A French city has decided to give Santa Claus a free pass by allowing him to break an airport curfew for the night of December 24 to 25, and thus deliver the gifts in his new winged sleigh.

Since April 8, planes were no longer allowed to land or take off from Nantes airport between midnight and 6 a.m., a curfew put in place to limit noise pollution, as reported by the newspaper “20 minutes”.

The subject has been debated since, but the mayor of Saint-Aignan-de-Grand-Lieu, the town that hosts the track, has decided to take the problem lightly for the holidays.

The elected official therefore published an official municipal decree allowing “to fly over the airspace of the municipality”, despite the curfew, on the night of December 24 to 25.

“Are included in this authorization, Mr. Santa Claus, his reindeer Tornado, Dancer, Fury, Fringant, Comet, Cupid, Thunder, Lightning and Rudolph”, can we read in the document.

“However, we remind Santa Claus of his duty of discretion with the inhabitants and count on his professionalism to deliver the houses on time,” he also wrote.

The municipal decree specifies all the same that it is “right to be able to laugh and have fun with respect”, in case the joke becomes a new problem.

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