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With the significant resumption of air traffic, noise pollution is intensifying for millions of residents in France. The latter require arranged flight schedules.
For this resident of Sannois (Val d’Oise), her life is hell, her house is located just below an air corridor at 20 kilometers from Roissy, an incessant noise that the double glazing hardly attenuates. For 15 years, she sleeps in his soundproof cellar. “It’s the only place where I can find sleep” precise this riverside. Like her, two million FRancilians suffer daily nuisances.
Associations call for a cap on air traffic
Same situation in Bordeaux (Gironde), for residents close to Mérignac airport. “I am woke up two at three times in the night, we ask for a moratorium for a ceiling of air traffic”complains Jean-Claude godainpresident of the AEHDCNA association. A solution that should be implemented from November 2023 at Amsterdam airport. Tuesday, May 9the associations have planned to gather in front of the Ministry of Transport to be heard.