It is one of the most touristic cities in Europe. To deal with the housing crisis, the socialist city council has decided to ban furnished tourist accommodation within five years. A radical decision that angers the owners.
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There are just over 10,000 tourist apartments in Barcelona. A legal offer that is set to disappear. By 2029, the city council will revoke all licenses and therefore there will be no more furnished tourist accommodation. A measure that penalizes owners who denounce a significant loss of income. They do not intend to let this happen and are starting to file appeals.
Enrique Alcantara, their spokesman, denounces a form of expropriation: “We believe this is a violation of a fundamental right, that of private property. It has led to complaints and claims for compensation amounting to 1 billion euros.” The legal battle between these owners and the city council has only just begun. The Spanish Constitutional Court has also been seized by the right wing, which is firmly opposed to this measure.
According to the authorities, tourist apartments deprive residents of housing. Barcelona is a victim of its own success, in 10 years, rental prices have increased by 68%. An untenable situation for residents, who regularly demonstrate against overtourism and the cost of housing. Maria and Mar, two Barcelonans who may soon have to move, express their anger.The price of housing is getting worse and worse and I see that my friends can’t live in Barcelona. They can’t, because the rents are too expensive. It’s the fault of the tourist apartments“, argues the first one.”I have a family, I have children, I was born here, but we are thrown out and I am not allowed to stay here. Here, there is no future for the locals“, the second one adds.
By eliminating furnished tourist accommodation, Barcelona is therefore seeking to respond to this housing crisis. But this is only a partial response to a much larger problem: there is only 1.8% of social housing in Barcelona. In France, the share of this social housing is 17%. But it is true that tourism, and what we call digital nomads, expel residents who cannot compete in terms of purchasing power.
For Jordi Valls, deputy mayor of Barcelona, action is needed. Tourists must sleep in hotels and owners of furnished tourist accommodation will have to put their property back on the traditional market.The property remains in the hands of the owner, he assures. If he wants, he can rent the apartment. If he wants to live there, he can do that too. We are not expropriating anyone. The only thing we are doing is limiting the use as a tourist apartment because that causes an alteration of the residential market.” At the time, the license – valid for life – to open a furnished tourist accommodation, cost only 300 euros, a far cry from the sums demanded today by owners.