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“In transport, there is no sector that pays more independently for its own infrastructure than the air sector”, estimates Augustin de Romanet.
“Air transport is already highly taxed”responds Tuesday, May 16 on franceinfo the CEO of Aéroports de Paris to the proposal of the president of the SNCF to tax more planes and highways to finance the train. “Certainly not !”takes offense at Augustin de Romanet. “The idea of going to the neighbor’s plate to find what is missing on yours does not appeal to me.”
>> 100 billion plan for the railway: according to Clément Beaune, “it is normal” that the motorways and the air sector finance “more the train”
“In transport, there is no sector that pays for its own infrastructure more autonomously than the air sector”, believes Augustin de Romanet. He recalls that “airports do not benefit from any subsidy” and “airlines pay a contribution fee for the global AIDS tax”. “We pay for 100% of our infrastructure! I therefore ask the economic sectors that benefit from state aid, in proportions that I will not describe here, not to worry about getting funds from the tax base. of the neighbor while they themselves live in part on the public subsidy.”
In order to guarantee the implementation of the 100 billion euro investment plan for rail by 2040 announced at the end of February by Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, the president of the SNCF appealed on April 12 “to all accessible sources of funding”in particular on transport which has a “more negative impact on the environment”. “I am thinking of air transport, heavy goods vehicles and motorways which are an important source of funding”, said Jean-Pierre Farandou. An idea that has “delighted” the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune, who assured on franceinfo that he shared it and that it was one of the “possibilities”.